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About Us

The Dream! The Passion!

“If people aren’t laughing at your dreams…then they aren’t big enough!”

For us, Training Center Twente is a dream come true!

It all started with our passion for sports fueled with a passion to help others. Basically, we wanted to be able to help people become the best possible version of themselves.

When training with us, everyone is treated as an athlete at their own level. TCT is your home away from home where you can enjoy training filled with dedication. TCT is a place to respect, encourage, and help others.

Training Center Twente was established in 2009 as a mixed martial arts and personal training gym with only 60 m².

Over the years, our dreams and passions have only grown. TCT now hosts over 1200 m² of training area, and offers a wide array of sports and training types.

With our unique gym in an industrial setting, the TCT team prides itself on making its members feel at home and giving them the best guidance.

Step-by-step we help you achieve your goals and make your dreams come true.

Let’s be Unstoppable!

Tijn & Lisa
